Photo of student working

An interdisciplinary PhD in Structural and Computational Biology and Quantitative Biosciences

Juan Sanchez loading a sample on the L120

An interdisciplinary PhD in Structural and Computational Biology and Quantitative Biosciences

An interdisciplinary PhD in Structural and Computational Biology and Quantitative Biosciences

Photo student in the lab

An interdisciplinary PhD in Structural and Computational Biology and Quantitative Biosciences

Welcome Biophysics Class of 2024!

An interdisciplinary PhD in Structural and Computational Biology and Quantitative Biosciences

An interdisciplinary PhD in Structural and Computational Biology and Quantitative Biosciences

An interdisciplinary PhD in Structural and Computational Biology and Quantitative Biosciences

The Biophysics program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is a broad inter-departmental inter-disciplinary Ph.D. program that joins the quantitative biosciences, with research at the cross-section between many biological disciplines (biochemistry, chemistry, physics, bioengineering, computational biology, neuroscience, cell biology, and so on).

How to apply

Our research areas include structural biology (CryoEM, NMR, X-ray crystallography), advanced spectroscopy, microscopy and imaging, high-throughput methods, and the integration of experimental and computational methods applied to macromolecular modeling, as well as to system and synthetic biology.

These cutting-edge approaches are used by the laboratories affiliated with the program to study a variety of important biological phenomena and to develop new technologies. Our goal is to prepare our students of diverse backgrounds with rigorous interdisciplinary and quantitative training for a future in research and teaching in academia and in industry and alternative careers.

55 Faculty Trainers

14 Departments

5.2 Average years to graduation