Xu, Duo

Protein-Protein Interactions At The Host-Pathogen Interface

Neugebauer, Monica E.

Discovery, characterization, and evolution of enzymes for biocatalysis and chemical biology

Jiang, Jiaoyang

Structure, mechanism and function of protein glycosylation in biology and disease

Kacar, Betul

Investigating molecular mechanisms of evolution and the origins of life

Huang, Xuhui

Unraveling Protein Dynamics with Molecular Simulations and Machine Learning Tools

Rienstra, Chad M.

Development and application of solid-state NMR spectroscopy to protein, lipid and small molecule structure and dynamics

Brunold, Thomas

Spectroscopic methods applied to metalloenzyme structure and function

Forest, Katrina T.

Structures, functions and mechanisms of microbial proteins; using crystallography, protein engineering, biochemistry, chemical biology and classic microbiology